Since the last time…

Last week I spent time going through my business ideation framework and came up with twenty some new ideas easily. I also came up with new questions accelerate the process. The time frame was too short to be able to really work on improving the framework a lot, but at least I improved the spreadsheet to organize the ideas.

I did advance a lot in my affiliate research and restarted my Google sheets course (and learned a lot!).

So mixed success in last week’s project and now a new challenge.

Shooting journal

One of the things I’m working on to improve myself and my days is journaling. I’m currently working with productivity and personal journals, but also with my shooting journal, that I started a few months after I started shooting almost two years ago.

What sparked the need in me to start journaling my trainings and competitions was that I decided to take it more seriously and try to really progress.

Journaling has been very helpful. Keeping a log has helped me remember better and move forward faster. I’ve also done some tracking in other areas of my life, but journaling goes beyond tracking by looking forward to how to improve.

I’ve done a lot of research and reading, and worked with different formats already, which allows me to create something that can be helpful.

Why do the journal

I know there’s interest because 15% of the Olympic Pistol signups come from this downloadable pdf shooting diary (that I’m going to improve).

Selling this journal will be a good test to see if I can bring some money in from this small niche to pay for my training and competition expenses.

Beyond selling this journal to shooters, I’m interested in this project because it will help me re-learn about how to do page layout, make a cover, and add another product that I can market and experiment with.

Secondary projects

Interleaving is part of this journey to find new projects and to learn. Mixing projects improves long term learning and keeps my motivation up.

The next two weeks I want to progress with my newly acquired affiliate and SEO knowledge to improve my coworking handbook site. I will do some keyword and topic digging to capture more organic traffic and convert more site readers into book buyers.

I will explore Gumroad as a course delivery platform to publish again my coworking community course with what I hope are just a few small changes.

Another thing along the same lines is to work on new exclusive content that I can bundle with the PDF of the coworking handbook and to deliver more value to the mail list subscribers, improving the welcome automation emails.

Since I killed the first project I’ve been thinking more and more on turning it into a private community of practitioners. Maybe something that can be included with the book and after a free trial turn it into a subscription?

I will also rename my fail posts to flops. Reframing helps look at things in a more positive way. What word would you use?

The ideation framework is also in the list of things to do. I want to generate more business ideas and questions to help with the development of the framework.

Timeline & deliverables

The journal should be for sale in my Gumroad and Amazon stores for Thursday April 5 at noon.