I’m not good with video yet, but there are many other delivery methods to share valuable content and help many people. So I’m going to continue working on the Coworking Community Course with a text only course.

The core of the course is ready, I have about 130 slides with a mix of information and exercises. It is a workbook focused on getting coworking space operators to take actions that will help them build a vibrant and healthy communities while they are taking the course and that will give provide a toolbox they can keep on using and referring to. It will be delivered in daily bits, like a challenge, not to overload the participants and to nudge them into taking repeated action.

What needs to be done

  • Write down timeline, deliverables and milestones.
  • Find the tool or platform to deliver it. Ideally WordPress or an external service that I can set as a sub domain of The Coworking Handbook.
  • Adapt copy to written email delivery. The slides where thought of as my script for the video courses. I need to extend the bullet points.
  • ecide on a final name. I like the idea of a challenge.
  • Make a landing page with at least one image that I create to support the course.
  • Create a lead magnet and a short email sequence to convert to students.
  • Find a way to or create forms to submit workbook to dos.
  • Find a way to automatically generate a final document with all the workbooks submissions from the students. This is a nice have, so I will probably do it manually first.
  • Get to work! I’ve been too slow lately. No failure sobbing!


The deadline for this project is February 21st.

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