The numbers have been included with all their zeros (taking into account USA numbering) to make it easier to grasp the volumes we are talking about and to try to avoid some of the mistakes that are usually made when transferring billions and trillions from country to country. It will also be easier to do copy and pasting to a spreadsheet program (which sucks in transnational settings.) I have outlined a couple disparities in numbers, which are probably due to rounding and differences in the dates of samples. Everything that I’ve included is in italica. Internet 2009 in numbers

  • 1730000000 Internet users worldwide (September 2009), of which:
    • 738257230 are in Asia,
    • 418029796 are in Europe,
    • 252908000 are in North America,
    • 179031479 are in Latin America and the Caribbean,
    • 67371700 are in Africa, and
    • 20970490 are in Oceania (Australia is part of it).
  • Adding all these values we get a total of 1676568695 Internet users worldwide, which means that 53431305 are missing from the first number in the video (they are probably in Atlantis).
  • Using only the numbers per location in the video, the distribution of Internet users in the world is:
    • ??44.03% of users in Asia,
    • 24.93% in Europe,
    • 15.08% in North America,
    • 10.68% in Latin America and the Caribbean,
    • 4.02% in Africa, and
    • 1.25% in Oceania.
  • 90000000000000 emails sent in 2009.
  • 247000000000 emails sent on average per day (which translates exactly to 90155000000000 in a year.)
  • 200000000000 spam emails sent on average per day, 81% of total.
  • 1400000000 email users in the world. (using the per day data good emails represents 19% of all emails, for a total of 47000000000 emails a year, which would mean 12253.57 good emails per person every year, makes you wonder…)
  • 234000000 websites (as of December 2009.)
  • 126000000 blogs on the Internet (according to BlogPulse.) Which would mean that 53.84% of the Internet sites are blogs!
  • 84% of social network sites have more women than men.
  • 27300000 Tweets per day (November 2009.)
  • 4250000 people following @aplusk (already 4600332 when I wrote this post.)
  • 260000000000 page views served by Facebook per month. Which is more than 6000000 page views per minute or 37400000000000 in a year.
  • 24000000000 page views per month served by MySpace.
  • 4400000000 page views per month served by Twitter.
  • 1900000000 page views per month served by LinkedIn.
  • 30000 servers used by Facebook.
  • 350000000 people on Facebook. (Which means that members view 742.86 Facebook pages per month.)
  • 2500000000 photos uploaded each month to Facebook. At this rate it will reach 30000000000 uploads per year.
  • 4000000000 pictures hosted by Flickr (October 2009.)
  • 1000000000 videos served by YouTube per day.
  • 1220000000 videos viewed per month on YouTube in the US.
  • 924000000 videos viewed per month on Hulu in the US (November 2009.)
  • 182 videos watched a month by the average USA citizen.
  • 82% of the USA population watch videos online.
  • 148000 new zombie computers every day (these are the ones sending out billions of spam emails.)
  • 2600000 malicious code threats (viruses, trojans, etc.) at the start of 2009.
  • There are a hell of a lot of zeros in this post.

I’m sure somebody with good spreadsheet and statistical skills can make a great working table out of this. Please let me know if you see any mistakes so that I can correct them.